We are seeds

Transdiverse people are both inspired and affected by various circumstances in our lives.  Every day is a struggle,  many of us continue to succumb to hate crimes,  most of us are wallowing in abject poverty living and living on the margins.  We are resisting oppression and we  continue to rise,   more visible, vocal and resilient.

Translives everywhere, every day are under peril.  We are the target of hate, which is often state instigated and also channelled through various media, religion and vigilante groups. Consequently, this vile-filters into our societies and families.

In most public places where others would otherwise feel comfortable, we are threatened. Our private lives are violated through invasive procedures such as unwarranted body searches, continued scrutiny and dismissals. It is no wonder for most of us, places such as schools; airports, gyms, hospitals and toilets are our everyday sites of struggle.

Faced with so much social stigma and discrimination, we often find ourselves without a home, family, love or a job.  For some individuals gender affirmative surgeries and procedures, which are not only illegal but a pipe dream as they are beyond the reach of many owing to exorbitant private costs.

Albeit all these vigils and thorns,   like the proverbial buried seeds, in our different ways with  resilience, we continue to sprout,  our  spirits defiantly blooming on different parts of Africa’s soil, Indeed we are seeds!


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