They are young, they are trans* and they are queerly phenomenal. At a time when most youths are seating and complaining about anything and everything and doing nothing about it, they have to do something by actively creating the change they want to see in the world. Queerstion Editor Miles had the opportunity to chat with these youthful trans* rights advocates Adrian(18) and Tyler(17) from Georgia USA.
They are fast becoming a household name for all the inspiring reasons on social media for openly sharing they experience as trans youths of colour. Through virtual activism, they are taking up initiatives which have since benefited many trans youths such as the binder giveaway campaigns.
“We started our Instagram group because we wanted to let other Trans* POC know that they matter and that we have each other it’s harder for trans* people as we are considered as not ‘normal’,
I hope that other Trans*POC especially the younger ones feel comfortable in their skin and feel confident to be themselves. Our friends are supportive and other trans people of colour have reached out to us thanking us for making the page, ” said
Adriana recent high school graduate where he was also co -president if the gay-straight alliance.
“We kept seeing many famous white trans* people so we wanted to put more representation for trans* POC and make the youths feel comfortable in their own skin. I hope our visibility brings confidence and inspiration to other trans youth of colour.
“Our youtube channel is coming soon and we plan to continue with our binder giveaway initiatives. We plan to visit many pride events to share our experiences with other trans* people and hope to educate and inspire other trans’ youths. The binder campaign was an idea pitched to us by a friend who felt our social media presence could give us a platform to contribute to the community. We are aware that binders are not always a priority for some trans* people. However, we donate binders to those in dire need of one, explained Tyler who is still in high school where he is also a captain of his baseball team.
Speaking about the challenges encountered by trans people of colour in the US, the duo expressed concern over the rampant transphobia and exclusion and violation of trans youths of trans by families who should instead be protecting them.
“We do not get the respect that we deserve as human beings because we are trans*, we face discrimination in families and even within the broader LGBQ community. Even in schools, for example, the new school I am in is kind of transphobic. For many of us trans youths of colour, we experience most hate from families. Our support systems are thus built around friends in the trans* community as well as some supportive allies.
Adrian’s message to other trans* youths is “stay strong you will get through stay strong you will get through its okay to feed scared you are never alone, don’t be scared to reach out.
Tyler’s message is “We are strong, we are beautiful we are independent and we can do this. You don’t have to be afraid to be yourself because you are always loved no matter where you are or who you are we are beautiful human beings ”