Condemned but not regretful

In 2018 i had the worst experience when i was forced to resign from a position i had held for nine years as a child instructor. I was condemned and cast out for being Trans.. […]
In 2018 i had the worst experience when i was forced to resign from a position i had held for nine years as a child instructor. I was condemned and cast out for being Trans.. […]
Real talk with Neo L Sandja Truth can’t be taught, only experienced: When a soul starts awakening, there’s often a tendency to forget that there are many layers to the illusion like an onion. That […]
By Reverend Father Jide Macaulay Mental health is a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of mental illness. It is the “psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level […]
Trans motivational speaker and entrepreneur, Neo Sandja With the new year just unfolding, I’m finding myself in situations that most people would describe as chaos. In fact, this is something I […]
It is difficult to accept. But if your church is homophobic, biphobic or transphobic, it’s time to leave. You have to ask yourself for whose benefit do you attend? What are the hateful messages doing […]
Often when we no longer need old or damaged clothes we throw them out into the rubbish bin, we also do the same to a broken vessel. Imagine how many in our communities who have worshipped […]