Still i shine…

Like a cunning thief, loneliness threatens to steal my joy. Even when the pain is choking and suffocating, my faith is my only hope. My God guides and grounds me. ln all my pain and sorrow, I […]
Like a cunning thief, loneliness threatens to steal my joy. Even when the pain is choking and suffocating, my faith is my only hope. My God guides and grounds me. ln all my pain and sorrow, I […] more Trans and Intersex groups emerge Queerstion Magazine QM interviewed Tinashe Sande TS the leader of Trans Intersex Rising TIRZ a movement building initiative by and for transdiverse Zimbabweans at home and in the […]
What they tell us. In Malawi, Transgender people are often unlawfully persecuted under the country’s harsh criminal laws, for instance, the penal code criminalises consensual same-sex sexual activity. Although Section 20 of the country’s constitution guarantees […]