If you are Trans* and live in South Africa, this is for you.

Designing Trans-Community Led HIV Treatment Counselling Programs Suitable for the Needs of Trans Populations in South Africa


Why is this study being done? This research study is being done to better understand the challenges and experiences of transgender and gender nonconforming people with regards to health care. This includes day to day, transgender-related and HIV health care.

Who is being asked to take part in this study? About 200 people who identify as transgender and gender nonconforming who are at least 18 years old will take part in this study.

What are the procedures of this study? If you agree to participate in this research study, you will be asked to take about 30-40 minutes today to complete this questionnaire (computer-based or printed) that will cover such topics as your background, sexual orientation and gender identity, transition status, your knowledge about safer sexual practice and reproductive rights, experiences of the medical care system and relationships. If you are HIV-positive, you will also be asked about your HIV care and treatment. If you are HIV-negative, you will also be asked about factors affecting your decision to get tested for HIV. You may skip over any questions that you do not want to answer. After you complete the questionnaire (online) you will be asked to press the submit button, which completes the survey. If you completed the printed survey, you will be asked to fold it up, place in envelope, seal it and place it in the survey box. The computer based and printed surveys are anonymous and your name will nowhere appear on it.

What are the possible risks and discomforts of this study? There is little risk involved in this research study.  No invasive procedures or medications are included.  (Invasive meaning: no blood or any type of samples will be taken from you). The major potential risk is a breach of confidentiality, but we will do everything possible to protect your privacy.  There is the possible risk that you may feel some emotional discomfort when completing the questionnaire, but you will not be required to answer any questions that make you uncomfortable. If needed, you may contact the research team for confidential counseling and referral to health and social service providers.

Will I benefit from taking part in this study? You will receive no direct benefit from participating in this research study. The benefit in taking part of research is to work towards a better access to health care overall situation for transgender people in South Africa.

How much will I be paid if I complete this study? No participants who take part in this survey will receive any kind of payment.

Will anyone know that I am taking part in this study? Your responses will be submitted through a secure computer system that is accessible only to the study investigator and study staff. All records related to your involvement in this research study will be stored in locked file cabinet or on a password-protected computer. Your identity on these records as well as on the questionnaire responses will be indicated by your study identification number rather than by your name. NO names will be collected on the computer based or printed surveys. Your identity will not be revealed in any description or publications of this research.

Is my participation in this study voluntary? Your participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw from this research study at any time. Your ongoing relationship with Gender DynamiX, any other transgender organization or the research team will not be affected if you choose to not participate in or withdraw from this research study. You can indicate if you want a copy of this form.

How can I get more information about this study? This research study is being conducted by Liesl Theron who can be reached at liesltheron.activist@gmail.com if you have any questions.

To indicate your consent to participate in this research study, please click “I CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE”

Click here to print a copy of this consent form to keep for your records. (If the link does not work, please print this page).

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